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What services does career services provide

  • Appointment Scheduling System
    • Online appointment booking tools with calendar sync


  • Mock Interviews
    • Practice interviewing, anytime...anywhere


  • CV Builder
    • Create professional resumes and cover letters in a snap


  • Work Integrated Learning
    • Track application forms, evaluation sheets and outcomes


  • eNewsletter and Job Blasts
    • Automatically match jobs to job seekers based on their interests and skills


  • Jobs with Smart Matching
    • Automatically send eNewsletters with jobs and events to your community


  • Event & Interview Management
    • Dozens of management tools for career fairs, workshops and info sessions
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Article details
Article ID: 29
Category: Career Services
Date added: 20-Mar-2014 10:23am
Views: 217
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (23)

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