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Canvas Terms



Canvas features descriptions:


Files – Allows for a temporary storage location.


As an instructor, Files allows you to store files and assignments within Canvas. You can upload one or multiple files, view all details about your files, preview files, publish and unpublish files, set usage rights, and restrict access to files. ... You have access to files (documents, images, media, etc.)




Pages – Create a page to include text, video, and other links to file within your class.


Pages can include text, video, and links to files and other course or group content. Pages can also be linked to other pages. They can also be used as a collaboration tool for course or group wikis where only specific users can have access. Canvas keeps the entire history of the page to account for changes over time.




Modules – Helps to structure or organize your content.


Canvas Modules allow instructors to organize content to guide students through a course. ... Using Modules allows instructors to deliver what students should read, complete, interact with, or discuss in a course and can deliver files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other resources for the course.




Calendar – Internal Canvas calendar that can display to students what and when items are due.


The Calendar in Canvas is a global feature that allows all Canvas users to view assignments and events from all courses in one place. Calendar assignments and events can be filtered by course and synced with other web service calendars.




Dates – Set due, available from, and until dates.


Term dates, course dates, and section dates are very symbiotic. All of them flow together in all aspects of Canvas. Various dates allow different users to participate in the course.


The hierarchy of dates include the following:


  • Section dates can override course dates
  • Course dates can override term dates






Assignments – Allow for students to submit/upload document files into Canvas.


Assignments include Quizzes, graded Discussions, and online submissions (i.e. files, images, text, URLs, etc.). Assignments in Canvas can be used to challenge students' understanding and help assess competency by using a variety of media.




Quiz – Create quiz, test, exams in multiple-choice, True/False, short answer, matching, and essay format.


Quizzes in Canvas are assignments that can be used to challenge student understanding and assess comprehension of course material. The quiz tool is used to create and administer online quizzes and surveys. Quizzes can also be used to conduct and moderate exams and assessments, both graded and ungraded.




Conference – Utilizes Big Blue Button (BBB) to meet with students live or create lecture recordings.


Conference is a place within Canvas where users can conduct synchronous (real-time) virtual meetings with all the students and instructors in a course. Conferences allow users to broadcast real-time audio and video, share presentation slides and communicate with other users.




Studio – An internal Canvas feature allows for lecture captures or recording.  Also allows for students to record and upload presentations.


Canvas Studio is a media tool that allows students and instructors to upload, create, edit, manage, share and discuss audio and video files. Existing files can be used, or new ones can be created with Studio's capture and editing tools.




Announcements – Allows instructors to post announcement or messages across the top of the page.


Announcement is a tool in Canvas that allows instructors to post information and updates to all members of a course or a certain section of a course directly in Canvas. Students also receive an email notification when a new Announcement is posted.






Inbox – Communication tool to send messages to and from students from within Canvas (This is not Outlook email)


The Inbox is the messaging tool used instead of email to communicate with a course, a group, an individual student, or a group of students. You can communicate with other people in your course at any time. Use Conversations to Send a message to someone in your course or group.




Discussions – Discussion Topics (DT’s) or forums for a threaded written discussion


Canvas provides an integrated system for class discussions, allowing both instructors and students to start and contribute to as many discussion topics as desired. Discussions allow for interactive communication between two or more people; users can participate in a conversation with an entire class or group.




Speed Grader – Allows to grade assignment submissions.


As an instructor, Speed Grader allows you to view and grade student assignment submissions in one place using a simple point scale or complex rubric. Canvas accepts a variety of document formats and even URLs as assignment submissions. ... You can also provide feedback to your students with text or media comments.




Commons - – Allows faculty to share files and documents.


Commons is a learning object repository that enables educators to find, import, and share resources. A digital library full of educational content, Commons allows Canvas users to share learning resources with other users as well as import learning resources into a Canvas course.


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Article details
Article ID: 349
Category: Instructor Canvas Information (LMS)
Date added: 29-Mar-2021 12:00pm
Views: 182
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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