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You Have Been Compromised! Here Are 8 Definite Signs!


1. Email Account Sending Out Spam

This is a probable sign that you’re PC has been infected with a malware. More often than not you have your email password saved on your browser. In the event of a malware infection, it can easily access your email account with that information. Once it gets hold of your account info, the malware can use your email to spam out links to all your contacts. Furthermore, the malware can also compromise your browser activity this way.

2. Password Changed Unknowingly

Hackers have grown notches higher in terms of complexity today. They can easily use a program to attach a malware trojan, that is hard to detect for the average user, onto anything they could get their hands on, even a normal image file or an mp3 tune for that matter. Infection occurs when you open the file without prior scanning. Once the malware enters your system, it can then compromise everything therein: your passwords for starters. If that was not enough, hackers can also hack into your account using brute force software and a password list.

3. Did You Buy That Product Via An Online Store?

Shopping online is the way to go these days, it's easy and highly convenient. However, take note, it's easy and convenient for hackers to break into your account as well, primarily via your credit card credentials linked to your shopping account. Once compromised, they can use the info to buy stuff for themselves, and sadly, you'll be the one paying for it! It's therefore highly advisable you're extra careful while shopping online. Always shop behind a secured router connection to save yourself from man-in-the-middle attacks. Regularly check your credit card statements for irregular activities.

4. Fake Antivirus Alarm

More often than not you receive a legitimate-looking scan result in the form of a pop up or something that tells you your system has been compromised by a virus. It then advises you to immediately download and install the full version of the attached software (a fake antivirus, that is). What you're actually doing here is blindly installing a malware. Therefore it's highly advisable you ignore such random pop up alerts that your system is at risk and let the original antivirus on your system do the talking.

5. Random Website Popups

Changing your browser settings to 'not allow' pop-ups while you’re browsing will help you prevent your system from being openly exposed to adware invasions. Getting random pop ups claiming you've won something is quite a common site while browsing the internet, one click is all it takes to bring down your system! Also, make sure you tread carefully while browsing websites. Pop ups are not the only way hackers can exploit you. Hackers can simply hijack your PC when you visit a malicious site unknowingly.

6. Beware Of The Ransomware

Have you ever received a notice saying, "Your computer has been locked due to suspicion of illegal content downloading and distribution." This simply means your system has been compromised by a virus called Ransomeware. Hackers use the virus to extort money from compromised users who might be forced into paying money to them to regain control of their PC. Some Ransomewares lock all your files with encryption, until the time you pay the amount they are asking for. Failure to pay them might result in them destroying the decription key. However, it's not always certain they will let you loose even after getting the money.

7. The RAT Effect

Remote Administration Tools (RAT) is a malware program that allows the hacker to take control of your PC remotely following which they can use either your webcam to capture what you're doing, listen to your microphone, steal your stored passwords, modify/view/stream your files or log your keystrokes.

8. Unwanted Browser Toolbars Tracking Your Every Move

While installing the set up of a software you love, there are high chances it comes bundled along with a string of toolbars. While some of these might be useful, others might be malicious for all you know. Going ahead with the installation process without carefully observing each step could lead to the installation of unwanted toolbars that could track your every activity online and strike you when you're least aware.

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Article details
Article ID: 94
Category: SPAM emails
Date added: 12-Aug-2014 2:08pm
Views: 2077
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (21)

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