Free Anti Virus software:
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Free Anti-Malware
http://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/ |
Download Center
Click on the link below to be take to the download area for the office viewers
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/search/DownloadResults.aspx?q=viewers&First=1&ftapplicableproducts... |
Click on the link below and follow the directions
http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp |
For bandwidth, we recommend 1Mbits download and 0.5 Mbits upload speed. Users can test their actual bandwidth using speedtest.net.
For hardware, we recommend a dual-core CPU with at least 2G of memory... |
https://www.mobipicker.com/best-screen-recording-software/ |
We need to verify that you are not using the online version or a version that came with your computer as it does not have all of the features. If so, must uninstall those first. Reboot your computer.... |