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How To Find a Lost Studio Recording


Videos are saved to your local computer first before they are uploaded to Canvas Studio. Any videos that you have "lost" are still there.  You have to be on the computer that you recorded them on for this to work.

  • You have to go to Studio.
  • Click RECORD
  • Click RECORD and record a few seconds of video
  • Click PAUSE
  • Click DONE
  • At this screen you will see BACK TO RECORDINGS at the top left corner of this window. Click there.
  • You have found every file you "lost". You are able to click on the video and upload it from here.
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Article details
Article ID: 374
Category: Studio & Videos
Date added: 8-Nov-2022 11:57am
Views: 1149
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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